My work, from the beginning .
🚀 Discord bot for fun, memes, images, giveaway moderation, anime, NSFW and even more! Wit...
⚛️ My personal portfolio written on Next.js and Tailwind.css
🚀 Discord bot for using shell commands remotely through Discord
🔐 PSS! This is a ✨ secret ✨ repo! It's updated every 5 minutes with new stats!
🤙 Don't let your repl go to sleep! Create a http server with just one line of code and ke...
🛡️ Node.js app to get active developer badge on Discord
🐦 Command line tool to automatically generate tweets using OpenAI API
🔌 Script that allows you to create all types of remote connections using Ngrok
🛡️ Generate a badge that shows actual hours spent programming using wakatime
👀 Count the views of your github profile with your own custom badge
🏔️ Add support for browser specific variants in Tailwind.css
🥀 Pss! This is a secret repo to hold my community health files!
🦕 Deno API that takes the image from a link and transmits the data so that the end user c...
🎮 Next.js API for displaying Discord activity data in JSON or SVG
👾 Send content directly to Discord Channel via link
📝 A repo only contains Markdown files. Yea, it could also be a guide to the markdown
⏱️ A simple and easy-to-use countdown script written in typescript
🧱 Javascript API to display user's IP address and information about it
📫 Mailer is a app to send form submissions by email
🖌️ Online HEX and RGB color picker.
🐙 The repository that keeps the image on my contriburions graph in 2018
📹 Python script to convert webcam video to ascii art
💪 A repository for automatically running benchmarks on multiple programming languages (ak...